Ecohome Insulation

Case Study: Caroline’s Shed Insulation Project

EcoTec on Wall

Case Study: Caroline’s Shed Insulation Project

A case study: Caroline’s shed insulation project. Are you debating whether or not to Insulate your Summer House / Garden Room or Shed?

Caroline advised us that she has always had sheds in the past. However, after moving into her ‘forever home’ she purchased a new shed, which was substantially larger than ones she had in the past. The shed was 10ft x 8ft.


She wanted her shed to ‘stand for many years’ and so needed to ensure that it was fit for purpose, for the years to come. She understood that to achieve this, it needed to by dry inside. Caroline therefore opted to purchase a 52m2 EcoTec Insulation Kit


About the 52m2 EcoTec Insulation Kit

All of the Kits include the highly reflective Insulation material. To ensure that you purchase the correct size kit, you can use this helpful guide: ‘How Much Insulation Do I Need to Insulate My Shed or Summerhouse’

Each Kit Includes ThermaSeal Foil Joining Tape so you can seal all the joints and edges.  (You will be provided with sufficient foil joining tape, whichever kit you opt for).

In the kit, you will also get a Staple Gun Kit, including 5,000 14mm Staples. This is provided regardless of the size of the Shed Insulation Kit you purchase.


Since completing the install, Caroline revealed;

“It’s the best, and most organised shed I’ve ever owned”


Many of you reading this will already know, that without insulating a shed (like a home) you are more likely to suffer from damp / mould. Sadly, when it comes to sheds, most people realise this is an issue only when they have suffered from damp / consequential issues associated with dampness and condensation.

Given that Caroline was wanting to store personal items in the shed, she wanted to be proactive in her approach and prevent the risk of damp and she knew that Insulating her Shed would help to achieve this.

She advised us that ‘she wanted to make a good job of it, so on the spur of the moment’ decided to insulate it – and she was delighted that she did!

By insulating, she was able to relax and know that her goods were protected from damage associated with damp arising from a moisture build up, that may have otherwise arrived had the shed not been insulated.

She also added;

“I love the result – It’s the talking point for everyone who has seen it!”

Caroline, Berkshire

So if you are debating whether or not to Insulate your Summer House / Garden Room or Shed – we suggest you do!

Whether you are looking to purchase a Shed, or have an exposed shed – consider the risks and remember prevention is far easier than cure! Make your shed one to be proud of and contact us if you require any assistance at all.

Key Links Below

Find out how you can insulate your own shed, by viewing our step by step how to guide HERE

To purchase your shed kit, press HERE

If you are looking to use your Shed space, as a home office, gym or simply a place to relax with friends – you may wish to use our higher performing Shed Insulation Kit. This can be purchased here: EcoPro Shed Insulation Kit •

If you are a little unsure about the kit that you require, view this guide which will tell you which kit you need. Specifically it covers, how much insulation you will need and also the differences between the two materials that we we offer.

If you have any queries at all, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our friendly team members. Use this link to contact us in your preferred way: Contact Us • Ecohome Insulation (

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