Ecohome Insulation

Energy Saving Tips To Prepare Your Home For 2023 that are completely FREE!

Energy Saving Tips To Prepare Your Home For 2023 that are completely FREE!

Energy Saving Tips To Prepare Your Home For 2023 that are completely FREE! Everyone you speak to has a “must-do” energy-saving tip for you, but they often cost you money to save a few pennies, however, there are a few simple energy-saving measures you can take that are completely FREE! It’s true and we have detailed our top ten here…

Drop a degree:

British Gas has stated that lowering your heating thermostat by one degree could result in an annual savings of £115 for a normal home. Also, the World Health Organization, advises that in winter healthy adults require temperatures of 18°C, with the extremely young and elderly needing somewhat higher temps. However, many people have their thermostats set at 20 degrees. Decide what temperature your home is most comfortable with.

Reduce the flow temperature of your combi boiler:

The flow temperature refers to the water that circulates throughout the boiler system and heats your radiators. It typically operates outside of its most effective range since the default setting is higher than is required. Innovation organisation Nesta has created a money-saving boiler challenge that it claims could reduce gas bills by an average of 9% (£112 annually).

Reduce the heat in any rooms that are not being used:

Control which rooms you heat to avoid wasting money heating empty spaces. To stop overheating a room, simply go around the home and turn down the radiators in that area. The Government estimates that lowering radiator valves in unused rooms to 2.5 or 3 on the valve might result in annual savings of about £70. Be mindful, however, that in some homes, colder rooms may cause greater condensation, which can raise the possibility of mould growth. The frost prevention setting on thermostatic radiator valves is typically represented by a snowflake. In order to keep pipes from freezing, even when the valve is entirely closed, a tiny amount of hot water will still flow through.

Bleed your radiators:

If your radiators take longer than usual to heat up, you feel chilly patches at the top, or you hear gurgling sounds, you need to bleed them. Radiator bleeding is rather simple, but make sure you are familiar with the process before beginning. SSE Energy provides a helpful guide that explains how to bleed radiators.

Do less loads of laundry:

Try to do fewer loads of clothes washing each week and be sure to always fill the washing machine, rather than washing a handful of items. You might also consider washing your clothes on a cooler setting. You could save £34 a year by washing your clothing at 30°C and doing one fewer load every week. For general cleaning, using lower temperatures is OK, but you might want to raise them for stains that are more difficult to remove.

Use the microwave instead of the oven:

Because microwaves heat only the food in the dish, and not the air surrounding it, they consume less energy than ovens. So where possible use the microwave for your warm meals.

Shorten your shower time:

According to the Energy Saving Trust, shaving just one minute off your shower time could result in annual savings of £65 for an average four-person home!

Keep doors closed:

Always keep doors closed while you are in a room to help keep the heat in and reduce the amount of work your central heating has to do. This is a simple but effective way to reduce draughts and keep in the heat.

Change the settings on your TV:

On average, each day we watch TV for four hours. All that watching consumes a lot of energy, but modern TVs typically have options that help them function as efficiently as possible. Most include unique “power saving” settings that let you change the screen’s brightness to use less electricity. Also, make sure your TV has a sleep timer that turns it off after a predetermined period of inactivity.

Clean the filters in your dryer:

The majority of tumble dryers contain a readily accessible filter that collects lint, dust, and fluff from your clothing. This builds up making your dryer work harder to do its function. Attempt to clean this filter before starting each load of laundry. OR even better, try to avoid using the tumble dryer if you can to save even more electricity.



As you can see none of our top ten energy-saving tips takes much effort or even any financial input, they just need you to be mindful of energy use and to reduce your usage where it is possible or where it doesn’t negatively impact you, your home, your family or your day to day routine.


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