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How to Personalise Your EcoStudio Garden Building

How to Personalise Your EcoStudio Garden Building

EcoStudios are the ideal place to designate space entirely for yourself. Why not personalise it to suit your needs? It can be your little haven away from the world. Here’s how to Personalise Your EcoStudio Garden Building.

Since you’ve already invested your money to have an EcoStudio, why not spend some time making it a place you’ll love? Here are our suggestions for customising your EcoStudio.

Stamp your style on your new space

What’s your style? Modern clean lines, cool Scandi, or country elegance. Since your EcoStudio is away from the rest of your home you don’t need to match it to the styling of the rest of your home. You can let your creativity run wild and develop a style that is truly yours. This is the reason why we receive a lot of business from clients that want a personal space where they can mark their identity.

Show off your green-fingered side

Tall accent plants give a room a beautiful asymmetry and height. In addition to looking beautiful, research suggests that plants boost creativity, productivity, and stress reduction. Through photosynthesis, they are purifying the air in your EcoStudio, making it a healthier environment to spend your time in. Just remember to keep them watered!

Create a home from home

If you’d like to feel as though your EcoStudio is an extension of your own home, you could use similar furniture and decor that’s in your home. Use the same paint colour pallet, even have the same rug and soft furnishings. Customers often choose to use their EcoStudio as a guest annexe, this level of personalisation would create a lovely homely room for visitors to stay in.

Finally, it’s all in the details

The finishing touches are the key to how you personalise your EcoStudio. The more your EcoStudio contains your personality, the more productive, relaxed, and balanced you’ll feel, think about:

And if none of these ideas strikes a chord with your style then it might be worth bringing in the experts to help create your vision, interior designers have the professional expertise, experience and creative vision to achieve the look you want or create something you haven’t thought of.

EcoStudios are fully insulated using our EcoQuilt Expert and EcoTec FloorFoam, so you will be able to use your EcoStudio all year round with a minimal amount of electricity.

Check out our websiteforto h everything you need to know about our EcoStudio Garden Buildings

EcoStudio Garden Room


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